Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Chameleons Have a Nasty Nip

I haven't seen the Labour PPB depicting David Cameron as a chameleon yet, but from what I have read I think Labour may have scored a spectacualr own goal. Alice Thomson has a good piece in today's Telegraph...

"The chameleon actually looks rather sweet, cycling around London in a huge helmet. But chameleons wouldn't have been the animal I'd have chosen. For a start, they are extremely smart at outwitting their foe. The word means "earth lion", so named because of their ferocious behaviour. If you surprise a chameleon, it will inflate its body, hiss and lunge forward. Contrary to popular belief, their colour changes are not just the result of their surroundings, but are an expression of mood - they play a part in communication and rivalry fights. Chameleons use their tongue to capture prey and their strong jaws to crush it. Even the smallest chameleon is capable of eating a praying mantis. Labour HQ might like to think again."

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