Sunday, April 16, 2006

Examples of German Negative Political Adverts: No 1

I've been on a trawl of the blogosphere this afternoon. After all, there's bugger all else to do today is there? One new blog I've discovered is a German one called David's Medienkritik. It's in English (sorgen Sie sich nicht!) and gives a right of centre perspective on German politics and the media. In fact, it's so good it's inspired me to start a European Blog Links section (below right). I thought I'd share this poster with you, from the blog. The translation of the caption reads: SHE WOULD HAVE SENT SOLDIERS. So it's not just the Americans who know how to use negative advertising! And yes, I know it's from last September. It turns out that it caused such an outcry the poster was withdrawn. I am not sure what happened to Herr Schwanitz. Ist mir eigentlich egal. Ein Arschloch bleibt ein Arschloch.


Tory Ted said...

They ended up attracting huge amounts of criticism from within the Liberal party and the one about military presence in cities got pulled.

Anonymous said...

"I am not sure what happened to Herr Schwanitz"

well, he's under-secretary in Merkel's government: