Sunday, April 23, 2006

If Nanny Hewitt Says It, It Must be True

It happens. You've been in government for so long, you start to think you're infallible. That your reforms have all worked and that anyone who questions them is by definition clinically insane. You come out with statements like:

"The NHS has just had its best year ever".

Your name is Patricia Hewitt. You are the very personification of why no one believes a word any New Labour politician says anymore. You exemplify why people have switched off politics.

Mr Eugenedes has a superb, and very amusing, take on Nanny Hewitt's delusions HERE.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if they have been on the coke with all that money they got from selling peerages!

dizzy said...

a community nurse friend of our's has just popped round to see us on her way home from work. I said to her have you heard what Patricia Hewitt has said today. She went "oh no, what?". I told her and her response was... shall we say... anglo-saxon.

Anonymous said...

Has there ever been a more condescending Politican than Patricia Hewitt, who incidentally is Australian.

Would the Australian Parliament put up with an English Communist?.


Anonymous said...

"The NHS has just had its best year ever" for...
shutting wards?

I'm sure there are many more...

alex[@] said...

The Performance ratings for 2004/2005 make an interesting read in light of recent planned job cuts.

There's a post about it at my site.

Anonymous said...

This very same question is on BBCi. So why not have your say...