Sunday, April 23, 2006

Labour Faces New Financial Crisis

The Sunday Times is reporting that two of Labour's lendors are demanding their dosh back - and quick. Labour have to find more than £1.5 million within the next few weeks to pay back Gordon Crawford wants £500,000 plus interest and a second unknown lendor wants the return of his £1 million. And the news gets worse, as they must find a further £2 million by the end of the year. What was that nursery rhyme about 'when she got there, the cupboard was bare?'... I feel another donation from Lord Sainsbury coming on. I would bet my mortgage that he isn't sacked in Blair's ever-expected reshuffle. And there we see the ultimate irony, don't we?


Jock Coats said...

Or a certain Sainsbury son-in-law and Labour MP who just sold his Oxfordshire pad for £24m, perhaps.

Anonymous said...



I've corrected this tendency of your before. Please pay attention:


Anonymous said...

"tendency of yourS," Anonymus. Not "your".

Anonymous said...

bebopper - your's, not yours, glass houses, etc.

Rigger Mortice said...

new labours skint,the goverment is skint,the consumer is skint.
Hail Gordon Brown,financial genius.

PoliticalHackUK said...

And as the Electoral Commission don't seem to have closed the file on whether the LDs should have taken that donation last year (let alone the outcome of any legal action by HSBC to recover the money), the LDs could soon find themselves counting out their last few pennies and wringing some cash out of their millionaire MPs.

By the way, just how flush are the Tories at the moment?

Anyone betting on all-party support for a bill in the next session to provide public funds for political parties?