Sunday, July 02, 2006

Indy on Sunday Should Go Pink with Embarrassment

These Top 100 lists are always fraught with danger. Today in the Independent on Sunday we are treated to the Top 100 Most Influential Gay People in Britain. If I tell you that Johann Hari is at number 67, while Matthew Parris languishes at number 73, you'll see how useful the list is.


Anonymous said...

What a bloody stupid list. You might as well have a list of the 20 most important baldies of 62 most important people under 5' 5". What have all these people really got in common other than sexuality? We should be getting away from it being any sort of issue at all.

Jock Coats said...

What do you want us to say? Iain - you're far more influential than some geriatric old thesps or trolley-dollies made good near the top of the list...:)

Naaa...reading the list I think it's actually pretty vacuous and almost demeaning somehow. Which is a poser because for years we have seemingly wanted "gay and lesbian role models". I just don't think some subjective (presumably) list, especially trying to rank them in some kind of order a la Sunday Times Rich List or something, is the way to "mainstream" people.

Croydonian said...

I'm with anon on this one - rubbishy content free journalism. How 'power' is evaluated is beyond subjective, and is this power in gay or wider circles?

Anonymous said...

It really is moronic putting gay people in a corral and judging them separately from the rest of us.

Matthew Parris is a thoughtful, gifted writer. That is all we should be judging him on. His personal life neither adds nor subtracts another dimension.

Anonymous said...

This is really annoying me. How about the 100 most influential redheads? How about the 100 most influential people aged 34? How about the 100 most influential people with long legs? These are all equally facts of birth.

No matter how they pose, lefties cannot get away from their judgementalism and pettiness, can they?

Ross said...

Well if they admitted that Hari is completely uninfluential wouldn't they be admitting that the Independent was irrelevent?

Hercules said...

Yeah your right it's somewhat laughable really.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate that the Independent has certain political inclinations, but how on Earth have they left out a Shadow Cabinet Minister, does Alan Duncan really not merit membershp of the top 100?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they could run their top 101 most influential readers?

Or perhaps they could just list their readership if it doesn't actually get that high...

Serf said...

but how on Earth have they left out a Shadow Cabinet Minister, does Alan Duncan really not merit membershp of the top 100?

From the Indy's point of view, Alan Duncan is a traitor, not a proper gay, in much the same way as Colin Powell is an uncle tom.

Don't these oppressed minorities understand that they are supposed to be socialists????

Anonymous said...

serf - you are right. But your comment raises an interesting question: has anyone accused Condoleezza Rice of being an Uncle Tom? Somehow I. doubt. it.

Anonymous said...

What is the IoS? i thought it had closed.

And isn't Johann Hari still writing for school magazines?


Anonymous said...

Why the sneering about Johann Hari? arguably, as a writer for the Evening Standard and the Independent and an editor of Attitude, the best-selling gay magazine, he is more influential among gay people (especially young people) than Matthew Parris.

I think the list is a dumb idea but if it means gay people who have influence over other gay people, then Hari is up there.

Anonymous said...

There is a reason why you get the Independent free on trains.