Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Private Eye Reports on the Mary Dejevsky Saga

Independent columnist Mary Dejevsky devoted her entire column last week to excoriating political writer Iain Dale for his observation was an almost entirely male domain. "There's a good reason why women fon't write blogs," she informed him. "They simply do not have the time."Alas some of them do not have the time to check their facts either - Devevsky opened her column by informing readers that "Iain Dale is a pro Cameron Conservative MP" Not only has Dale never served in Parliament (he was an unsuccessful candidate last time round), he is such an arch-Cameroonian that he served as David Davis's chief of staff in the leadership election.

Good to see that Lord Gnome is a reader of this blog!

UPDATE: Croydonian asks in the Comments Section if the Indy have granted me a right of reply. I requested one from their Comment Editor and their Deputy Editor but they said no and invited me to write a letter. Frankly I couldn't be bothered. However, at least half a dozen people have written letters to them and as far as I know, none have been published. What a surprise.


Croydonian said...

Has the Indy (rather than Dejevsky) allowed you a right of reply as yet, or even published a correction?

Anonymous said...

Even as a liberal I must say that the Indy is prone to bursts complete nonsense, and I generally ignored in these parts.

Anonymous said...

This woman is talking through her gusset. There are plenty of blogs written by women - not, perhaps on her choice of topic, though

Anonymous said...

To be fair Iain I can understand why Ms Dejevsky has so little time. Working at The Indie everyone has to be multiskilled and no doubt she has to print the thing as well as fill up the blank space around the adverts.

With everyone with talent having decamped to The Guardian, only those who can type, print, and bundle the sheets as they leave the press can be retained.

The Indie is a splendid effort considering that have about the same number of staff as Cherwell

Ellee Seymour said...

Surely their refusal to publish letters or give you a public platform to reply goes against the very spirit of why the Indy was set launched in the first place!