Monday, July 10, 2006

Sleazy Levy About to Be Named

Lord Levy will be named on the BBC Ten O'Clock News as the person who told Gulaam Noon he didn't have to declare his loan to the Labour Party to the Lords Appointment Committee. On Levy's say so, he retrieved his nomination papers from Ruth Turner, Blair's Director of Government Relations and altered them.

Levy will have many questions to answer following the BBC's report. You read it here first.


Kay Richardson said...

Hmmm ... some post-watershed sleaze. I like.

Anonymous said...

A time-stamp 6 minutes ahead of Guido, too. Nice work.

Out of interest, how come Nick Bloggers-are-Scum-I'm-The-Only-Political-Commentator-in-the-Village Robinson didn't break this? I though Pestie was the new Jeff Randall?

(sorry, didn't mean that to sound quite so insulting to Mr Peston)

Curly said...

I've got a spare million, can I buy one from Levy and donate it to Prescott?

Anonymous said...

Looks like the story could go right up to the King of the Porkies

Has plod got the bottle to go to Teflon Towers and ask his Lordship?

Probably not

Anyway, he probably will have his alibi ready, God told him to do it ( at the same time God told him to go to war in Iraq)
and after all , he is a pretty straight kind of Guy

Anonymous said...

Que the "we're bringing in new legislation supported by all Parties as soon as possible" excuse with a side order of "it's was legal and everyone does it anyway" with maybe a small glass of "public funnding for us"

Praguetory said...

I am fully expecting Harriet Harman's candidature for deputy PM to gain further momentum. This would put Mr Dromey back in the spotlight and increase the chances of loanations precipitating leadership change.

I think that by backing her, Labour MPs can damage Blair without leaving fingerprints which is what they all seem to be itching to do.