Thursday, July 13, 2006

Tory Radio Interviews Norman Tebbit

Jonathan Sheppard of Tory Radio has an excellent - and at times moving - interview with Norman Tebbit HERE.


Anonymous said...

great interview.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Rivetting.

Jonathan Sheppard said...

Thanks Verity. Have to say Lord Tebbit was an extremely fascinating person to chat to.

Anonymous said...

Bizarre deranged post-Thatcher stuff. Shows how far gone Tebbit and many of the other old true believers are; I wonder where on earth the mainstream public can go now that the choice is a bent and self-serving NL govt, a promise-anything Camermoonie govt offering a flimsy eco-wrapping for the deranged inner tory circles as exemplified by the Tebbitoid, Fatty Clarke and Looney Tunes Redwood (only official friends in the world: the Czech faschists), the rambling, incoherant and dribbling pensioner in the LibDems and a bunch of halfwits on the extreme left represented by a man in a cat suit who adores the Hussein family. God have pity on our souls. As the Sun put it so well - "will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights".

Anonymous said...

anonymous 12:13- It didn't sound deranged to me. It sounded calm, thoughtful and civilised. If you prefer the breathless hissiness of Tony, that is your problem.

BTW, your post would carry more weight if you could spell what I assume is your mother tongue. For example, Fascist is spelled thusly. And why did you put an 'e' in Loony Tunes?

"Will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights." "As The Sun put it so well"? That has a beard on it and comes from the days of Viet Nam protests and has been overused ever since. If you find the trite so appealing, I'm not surprised that you found Lord Tebbitt confusing.

strapworld said...

Gosh this juvenile anonymous is obviously being paid by the Labour Party to fill your blog with his inane, scargill-socialist claptrap.

He does not know the great man, cannot have ever interviewed him and possibly never been in the same room. He gets his 'opinions' from leftie books bought from former communists such as John Reid.

Anonymous, when you have some experience in life, when you realise that the socialist nonsense is just that, that people who have been there, done it, worn the t shirt and have been put into the Lords for what they have done for the country and not for what they have put into a political parties bank account, you may then proffer an opinion.

But whilst you are still in the kindergarten playground...please be a good boy and be quiet. You never know you may learn something.